Unusual Eyelid Tumors with Sebaceous Differentiation in the Muir-Torre Syndrome

Autor: John K. Lackey, Frederick A. Jakobiec, Robert A. Breffeilh, Albert Hornblass, Francis G. La Piana, Lorenz E. Zimmerman
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Ophthalmology. 95:1543-1548
ISSN: 0161-6420
Popis: An unusual eyelid tumor with sebaceous differentiation developed in two 70-year-old men and each had an earlier history of one or more colonic carcinomas—the so-called Muir-Torre syndrome. These eyelid tumors were both behaviorally and histopathologically different from previously documented cutaneous neoplasms in this syndrome. In the first case, a sebaceous adenoma took multifocal origin from the epidermis and exhibited an interanastomosing retiform growth pattern in the underlying dermis; the lesion rapidly recurred as a keratoacanthoma after subtotal excision. In the second case, a conjunctival tumor with features of a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma manifested focal evidence of sebaceous differentiation. Again, after an incisional biopsy, the latter tumor rapidly regrew and transformed into a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with massive central necrosis. Although sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelids does not appear to presage the Muir-Torre syndrome, any benign sebaceous or transitional squamo-sebaceous neoplasm should be considered a possible manifestation of this syndrome. Both clear-cut benign and transitional sebaceous neoplasms should also be recognized as having the potential to undergo an ominous clinical regrowth upon subtotal excision and a complete squamous transformation.
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