Family conflict in dementia care: A scoping review protocol

Autor: Leavey, Gerard, McDowell, Claire, Norwood, Kelly, Webster, Mary
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Family members are essential for care provision for a person living with dementia. However, problematic family dynamics and communication can affect the quality of care that is provided and the wellbeing of everyone involved. Most dementia literature has focused on the care dyad and neglected the important influence of the wider family network. Additionally, wider family conflict and its associated resolutions have not been studied as primary variables of interest; therefore, understanding of this topic remains deficient. This scoping review protocol outlines a process to systematically review peer-reviewed literature that discusses conflict in the context of the wider family system in dementia care. The review will synthesise common risk factors and outcomes of family conflict in dementia caregiving and will be an initial step in improving understanding of this topic.
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