Ati the Etruscan

Autor: Daniele De Luca, Silvano Imboden, Giovanni Bellavia, Luigi Verri, Maria Chiara Liguori, Antonella Guidazzoli
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: SIGGRAPH ASIA Symposium on Education
Popis: Ati the Etruscan is a 3D character developed in Blender at VisitLab Cineca. It can be considered as a versatile mascot of the Etruscan civilization, part of the recent efforts sustained in Italy by different cultural institutions to promote knowledge about the Etruscans. It can also be seen as an example of a methodology in educational video making, based on open source, multiple re-use and sharing of 3D assets opened towards new cross-media applications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE