Allocation of the wear of the main support of raba-man cylinders blocks

Autor: Dar’ya A. Lebedeva, Vitaliy A. Zuyevskiy, Il’ya V. Romanov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Tekhnicheskiy servis mashin. :20-27
ISSN: 2618-8287
DOI: 10.22314/2618-8287-2020-58-1-20-27
Popis: Wear of the main supports is a defect of many domestic and foreign engines. Statistical processing and selection of the theoretical distribution of the wear greatly simplifies the choice of recovery methods at the design stage. (Research purpose) The research purpose is choosing the theoretical law of wear allocation of the main supports of Raba-MAN cylinder blocks. (Materials and methods) Authors carried out statistical processing of micrometric data of the main supports of Raba-MAN cylinder blocks. Authors measured the diameters of the main supports of 40 cylinder blocks Raba-MAN three times with tightened fastening bolts with NI 100-160 GOST 868-82 micrometer with a step of 0.01 millimeters. Authors evaluated the match of experimental and theoretical distribution laws by Pearson’s criterion. (Results and discussion) The measurements results were summarized in a statistical series. The article presents a histogram of accumulated experimental probabilities and graphs of differential and integral distribution functions. It was found that the probability of matching of experimental and theoretical distribution laws for both laws is less than 10 percent. Article notes that the chosen distribution laws are not characterized by the presence of the second peak on the graph of the differential function, and the slope of the curve of integral function when approaching the last interval is much higher than the theoretical curves functions. (Conclusion) The maximum wear does not exceed 0.16 millimeters. Since the most common laws of normal distribution and Weibull distribution in statistical calculations are unsuitable in this case, additional research is required to select the theoretical distribution law.
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