Latitudinal positioning of the subtropical anticyclone along the Chilean coast

Autor: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Walter M. Vargas, Juan Leonidas Minetti, Arnobio Germán Poblete, Eduardo A. Mendoza
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 58:107-117
ISSN: 1836-716X
DOI: 10.22499/2.5802.003
Popis: In the past various authors have investigated climatic change (CC) by using the latitude of the subtropical ridge in the mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) for a range of geographic regions. In this paper the index L is defined as the latitudinal position of the subtropical anticyclone along the Chilean coast. This L index on the South American coast of the South Pacific is analysed using an instrumental record, covering the 1901-2004 period. An objective methodology is proposed for estimating L, and the physical consistency is assessed with the SOI and pressure at sea level in Valdivia, Chile. The analysis of a shorter period is compared with other authors’ results. The L variable can be useful in CC studies or in the analysis of low-frequency fluctuations in climate variability, and it is analysed as a dependent and independent time series. L was displaced towards the south over the last century but not to a statistically significant extent. Natural fluctuations of 50 years and another, shorter, of 16-22 years were also observed. In this paper, the greatest persistence and distant associations between anomalies of monthly L are shown; these associations can be useful for climate forecasting.
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