Capsulotomy Rate in Silicon Plate Haptic and Prolene Loop IOLs

Autor: J. Stuart Cumming
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: European journal of Implant and Refractive Surgery. 6:200-204
ISSN: 0955-3681
Popis: OBJECTIVE: To compare the incidence of YAG posterior capsulotomy between eyes' implanted with silicone prolene loop and plate haptic lenses, and to compare the incidence of posterior capsulotomy in the short-term (median implantation time of 10.5 months) and long-term (median implantation time of 30 months) in the patients implanted with the plate haptic lens. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study comparing the incidence of capsulotomy in patients from Anaheim Eye Medical Group having undergone outpatient cataract surgery by the same surgeon using endocapsular phacoemulsification and implantation with capsulorhexis with an intact anterior capsular rim and bag. PATIENTS: Two groups of plate haptic silicone lens implanted patients, one group of 141 and another of 301 patients, were compared to 253 patients implanted with the prolene loop silicone lens over the same implantation and follow-up times. In the second part of the study, 503 patients were studied. Of the 442 patients with a median follow-up time of 10.5 months, five had capsulotomies. The remaining 498 patients had a median implantation time of 30 months with a capsulotomy rate of 1.4%. RESULTS: The incidence of posterior capsulotomy in patients implanted with silicone plate haptic lenses was 1.1% with a median implantation time of 10.5 months compared to 7.1% in the prolene loop group with a median implantation time of 12 months (significance level of
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