Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of Jefferson Scale of Empathy for Nursing Students

Autor: Sefa Saygili, Aygül Yanik
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. 34:111-119
ISSN: 2146-9040
Popis: ABS TRACT Ob jec ti ve: To in ves ti ga te the Tur kish va li dity and re li a bi lity of the Jef fer son Sca le of Em pathy for Nur sing Stu dents (JSENS). Ma te ri al and Met hods: The study samp le con sis ted of 414 nur sing stu dents. The cons truct va li dity of the sca le was tes ted with con fir ma tory fac tor analy sis (CFA) whe re as the con cur rent sca le va li dity was tes ted with Em pat hic Ten dency Sca le (ETS). The re li a bi lity of the sca le was eva lu a ted with in ter nal con sis tency and the in ter nal con sis tency was as ses sed with Cron bach’s alp ha and item-to tal cor re la ti on. Re sults: The re sults of the CFA sho wed that JSENS fit ted the thre e-fac tor mo del. Ho we ver, the fac tor lo a dings of two items we re very low, the re fo re the se items we re ex trac ted from the sca le and CFA was run aga in. The go od ness of fit in di ces of the thre e-fac tor mo del con ta i ning 18 items we re ac cep tab le. The subs ca le sco res of the JSENS and to tal sco re sho wed po si ti vely cor re la ti ons with the ETS sco re. The Cron bach’s alp ha co ef fi ci ent was 0.73 for all items. The item-to tal cor re la ti ons ran ged from 0.11 to 0.46 in the item analy sis con duc ted for 18 items. Conc lu si on: The Tur kish adap ta ti on of the JSENS con ta i ned thre e fac tors and 18 items. The JSENS can be used as a va lid and re li ab le ins tru ment for eva lu a ting em pathy in nur sing stu dents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE