Scale reliability and validity of the Karasek 'Job Demand-Control-Support' model in the Belstress study

Autor: Patrick De Smet, Peter Vlerick, Guy De Backer, Rudolf P. Mak, Marcel Kornitzer, Edwin Pelfrene
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Work & Stress. 15:297-313
ISSN: 1464-5335
DOI: 10.1080/02678370110086399
Popis: In studies of occupational stress, a leading theoretical model is the 'Job Demand-Control-Support' model (Karasek, and Theorell, 1990). This states that the most adverse job-related strain reactions are to be expected in jobs characterized by high job demands, low control and low worksite support. The reliability and validity of the scales was evaluated in a sample of 21,419 employees out of 25 large companies across Belgium. Participants completed items from the Job Content Questionnaire (Karasek, 1985) in either French or Dutch translation. Data were handled by a French-speaking and a Dutch-speaking centre, respectively. Occupational groups were identified according to the International Standard of Classification, ISCO. Basically, the data support the assumptions of the model. The internal consistency was adequate: Cronbach's f varied between .77 and .83 for Psychological demands (9-item version), Decision latitude, Supervisor social support and Co-worker social support. These four common factors were c...
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