Autor: Ciro D'Urso
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of Data and Information Quality. 7:1-22
ISSN: 1936-1963
DOI: 10.1145/2950109
Popis: Enterprise's archives are inevitably affected by the presence of data quality problems (also called glitches). This article proposes the application of a new method to analyze the quality of datasets stored in the tables of a database, with no knowledge of the semantics of the data and without the need to define repositories of rules. The proposed method is based on proper revisions of different approaches for outlier detection that are combined to boost overall performance and accuracy. A novel transformation algorithm is conceived that treats the items in database tables as data points in real coordinate space of n dimensions, so that fields containing dates and fields containing text are processed to calculate distances between those data points. The implementation of an iterative approach ensures that global and local outliers are discovered even if they are subject, primarily in datasets with multiple outliers or clusters of outliers, to masking and swamping effects. The application of the method to a set of archives, some of which have been studied extensively in the literature, provides very promising experimental results and outperforms the application of a single other technique. Finally, a list of future research directions is highlighted.
Databáze: OpenAIRE