Dyscolus piscator Moret 2020, sp. nov

Autor: Moret, Pierre, Murienne, J��r��me
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3848384
Popis: Dyscolus piscator Moret sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: C207DE54-A6E2-4C10-AF45-EDBE8BAF3D22 Figs 37, 40, 41 (below) Etymology Latin adjective meaning ���fisherman���, in allusion to the feeding habits of this riparian species which preys on small water invertebrates. Type material Holotype ECUADOR ��� ♂; Napo Province, Guaman��, Paso de la Virgen, Waypoint 283; 0��21���0.6��� S, 78��11���52.4��� W; 3890 m a.s.l.; 11 Mar. 2017; P. Moret and M. Gobbi leg.; QCAZ. Paratypes (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀) ECUADOR ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; MNHN ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; CPM ��� 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; COI voucher in ethanol PM283-01, BOLD sequence SUM239-18; CPM. Diagnostic description Habitus: Fig. 37. Wingless. Body length: 9.6���10.9 mm, bigger than D. placitus Moret sp. nov. Ventral surface paler, abdominal ventrites entirely reddish-testaceous. Elytral microsculpture slightly less transverse. Head bigger, genae slightly but distinctly convex in dorsal view (flat in D. placitus Moret sp. nov.); apex of the labrum bisinuate (straight in D. placitus Moret sp. nov.); mandibles much longer, finely acute at apex (length of the right mandible / width of the frons between the anterior setae = 0.95 in D. piscator Moret sp. nov., 1.21 in D. placitus Moret sp. nov.). Third elytral interval with 3���4 setae, fifth interval with 2���4 setae, seventh interval with 0���1 seta; 11���13 umbilicate setae along the lateral margin (17���20 in D. placitus Moret sp. nov.). Male genitalia: Fig. 40. Apex of the median lobe slightly curved, not strongly bent downwards as in D. placitus Moret sp. nov., with a rounded tip, not hooked as in D. placitus Moret sp. nov. Habitat Riparian in the upper montane forest with Polylepis, at around 3900 m a.s.l. Under stones at the edge of a small stream. This biotope is 50 m away from that of D. placitus Moret sp. nov. Geographic distribution Microendemic species, restricted to the Guaman�� area in the Eastern Cordillera.
Published as part of Moret, Pierre & Murienne, J��r��me, 2020, Integrative taxonomy of the genus Dyscolus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Platynini) in Ecuadorian Andes, pp. 1-55 in European Journal of Taxonomy 646 on pages 37-38, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.646, http://zenodo.org/record/3829682
Databáze: OpenAIRE