How to offer more to users

Autor: Jarmila Šubová, Jarmila Podolníková, Zdeněk Lenhart, Nadežda Andrejčíková
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: ProInflow. 3
ISSN: 1804-2406
DOI: 10.5817/proin2011-2-7
Popis: The term interoperability started to appear in connection with the increase of information resources and nowadays, its problems are solved by employees of libraries, museums, galleries and archives in almost everyday work. For achieving semantic interoperability of such resources, we must focus mainly on two key areas: metadata schemes and rules for its completing and building of the knowledge organization systems, the authorities file and systems specified for the source classification. In the memory institution environment in the Czech Republic just libraries belong to such memory institutions which started with the standardization on the national and international level as the first. Current technologies together with existing internationally-valid standards enable mutual cooperation not only within the bounds of a particular community but also across memory institutions which enables to provide users with much more information from heterogeneous sources and besides, interconnect them on the basis of their meanings. In the contribution we describe the infrastructure and extension superstructure for personal authorities. The solution was suggested and realized within the project of “National Authorities in the Environment of Museums and Galleries - Interoperability with the National Library of the Czech Republic”. Metadata scheme expansion for personal authorities are realized in accordance with the ontological framework CIDOC CRM (ISO 21127:2006) through which we are able to offer users much more accurate, complex searching but at the same time we make a basis for interconnection of heterogeneously-built funds on the basis of the meaning of information included in them. In the contribution we inform about practical results of the project, in short we also describe a very closely connected project - Register of Fine Art collections. The register presents already over 80 thousand of works of art to the public from gallery collections united in the Association of galleries of Czech republic (Rada galerii CR). In the end of our contribution we offer some other proposals for the use of such interconnected resources with the aim to offer users more information and also partly reveal them more knowledge which is hidden in these sources. Termin interoperabilita sa zacal objavovať v suvislosti s narastom informacných zdrojov a v sucasnosti jej otazky riesia pracovnici knižnic, muzei, galerii aj archivov prakticky v každodennej praci. Pre dosiahnutie semantickej interoperability takýchto zdrojov sa musime sustrediť predovsetkým na dve kľucove oblasti: metadatove schemy a pravidla pre ich vypĺňanie a budovanie systemov organizacie poznania, suborov autorit a systemov, urcených pre klasifikaciu zdrojov. V prostredi pamaťových institucii v CR patria prave knižnice k tým pamaťovým instituciam, ktore so standardizaciou na narodnej i medzinarodnej urovni zacali ako prve. Sucasne technologie spolu s existujucimi medzinarodne platnými standardami umožňuju vzajomnu spolupracu nielen v ramci danej komunity, ale rovnako napriec pamaťovými instituciami, co umožňuje poskytnuť použivateľom oveľa viac informacii z heterogennych zdrojov a tieto navyse prepojiť na zaklade ich významu. V prispevku popisujeme infrastrukturu a rozsirujucu nadstavbu pre personalne autority. Toto riesenie bolo navrhnute a realizovane v ramci projektu „Narodni autority v prostředi muzei a galerii – interoperabilita s NK CR“. Rozsirenie metadatovej schemy pre personalne autority realizujeme v sulade s ontologickým ramcom CIDOC CRM (ISO 21127:2006), cim možeme použivateľom ponuknuť oveľa presnejsie, komplexnejsie vyhľadavanie, ale zaroveň vytvarame zaklad pre prepojenie heterogenne budovaných fondov na zaklade významu informacii v nich obsiahnutých. V prispevku referujeme o praktických výsledkoch projektu, strucne tiež popisujeme veľmi uzko suvisiaci projekt – Registr sbirek výtvarneho uměni. Tento prezentuje verejnosti už viac ako 80 tisic umeleckých diel zo zbierok galerii, združených v Rade galerii CR. V zavere nasho prispevku ponukame niekoľko ďalsich nametov pre využitie takto prepojených zdrojov s cieľom ponuknuť použivateľom viac informacii a poodhaliť im aj viacere znalosti, ktore sa v týchto zdrojoch ukrývaju. Nadežda Andrejcikova, Jana Subova Cosmotron Zdeněk Lenhart, Jarmila Podolnikova Moravske muzeum Brno
Databáze: OpenAIRE