Information storage and processing using accumulators based on optical holographic memory

Autor: Yuri A. Cherkasov, Elena Lvovna Alexandrova, A. I. Rumjantzev, V. V. Drojjin, Aleksander N. Chaika, V. N. Vesnin, Mikhail Vasiliy Smirnov, Larissa A. Mirzoeva, Vladimir B. Konstantinov
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.166034
Popis: The results of the investigation of the information accumulators based on optical holographic memory with changed reversive matrix photothermoplastic carriers are considered. For this memory it is shown that the matrix capacity is equal to I Gbyte, cyclability is equal to I 000 cycles and I nformation storage is 1 orig C to 10 years ). This i nformati on accumul ator based on memory wi th matrixarch! tecture is perspecti ye as read-onl y memory and wi th the hol ogr ahi c cor r el ator I t i s appi I ed for hi gh—speed cor r el ati ye processing of largemassive of high—informative images. 2 . FORMULE OF I NVESTI GATI ON TASKS The accumul at,or based on opti cal hol ogr ahhi c memor y I s I nter ested for computer technol ogi es , computer I nfor mati ye systems,medi cal computer tomogr aphy , el ectr on mi cr oscopy , . computi ng and opti cal i mage pr ocessi ng. Compared wi th tr adi ti onal systems i t has many merits, such as opportunity of comparatively easy change of information
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