S100B protein, neuron specific enolase and cognitive dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease

Autor: S. A. Smakotina, N. V. Fomina, M. V. Egorova, L. V. Kvitkova
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Nephrology (Saint-Petersburg). 23:73-79
ISSN: 2541-9439
Popis: The aim : to identify the correlations between cognitive dysfunctions and biochemical factors of blood - S100B protein and neuron-specific enolase - in young and middle-aged patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stages 1-3. Patients and methods . 108 young and middle-aged patients with chronic kidney disease Stages 1-3 were examined. 70 patients (64.8%) were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease Stage 1, 18 patients (16.6%) had CKD Stage 2, and 20 patients (18.5%) had CKD Stage 3 (A+B). Cognitive dysfunctions were assessed with MMSE survey and software package Status PF. Results. The patients with CKD Stages 2-3 showed a higher degree of cognitive dysfunctions than those with CKD Stage 1. Statistically significant differences in the average exposure in simple visual-motor response (p=0.008) and minimal and average exposures in complex visual-motor response ( р =0,004; р =0,0001) between these two groups of patients were discovered. A statistically significant negative correlation between the level of S100B protein and the glomerular filtration rate was found (Rs=-0,37; p=0,001). Positive correlations were discovered between the minimal exposure in complex visual-motor response and the level of cystatin C, and the average exposure in complex visual-motor response and the level of cystatin C (Rs=0,50, p=0,001; Rs=0,37, p=0,01), while negative correlations were found between the number of errors in complex visual-motor response and the level of cystatin C (Rs=-0,33, p=0,02). Positive correlation was discovered between the level of S100B protein and the minimal and average exposures in complex visual-motor response (Rs=0,29, p=0,001; Rs=0,39, p=0,001). A weak positive correlation was found between the level of S100B protein and the number of delays in reactions to the moving object (Rs=0,23; p=0,04). Statistically significant negative correlations were discovered between S100B protein and the total anticipation time and the number of accurate reactions in tests with moving objects (Rs=-0,39, p=0,001; Rs=-0,31, p=0,001). No correlations between neuron-specific enolase and neurodynamic indicators were discovered. Conclusion. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stages 1-3 demonstrated minor cognitive dysfunctions associated with the glomerular filtration rate, cystatin C level, and S100B protein level.
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