Reducing Time-to-Respond in a Modern Manufacturing Environment

Autor: Steven C. Catlett, R. Logan, Javier Ayala, R. Van Roijen, R. Ramachandran, Joseph F. Shepard, Jeffery B. Maxson, S. Ruegsegger, B. Rawlins, C. Collins, Kevin K. Dezfulian, K. Barker, T. Rust, R. Singh, H. Boiselle
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: 2007 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC).
Popis: The complexity of modern manufacturing processes has sharply increased the number of steps affecting device and circuit performance. We discuss a number of critical steps, their control methodology and how to minimize the time to detect. Product test results and data-mining are used to identify critical steps and to determine which inline signals require most attention. The last section is devoted to optimizing the analysis of inline electrical signals and their application to tool control.
Databáze: OpenAIRE