Basic Construction of Whole-Body Averaged SAR Estimation System Using Cylindrical-External Field Scanning for UHF Plane Wave Irradiation of Human Models

Autor: Toshio Nojima, Takashi Hikage, Yoshifumi Kawamura
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: IEICE Transactions on Communications. :2636-2643
ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.e93.b.2636
Popis: The purpose of this study is to establish a whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (WB-SAR) estimation method using the power absorbed by humans; a cylindrical-external field scanning technique is used to measure the radiated RF (radio-frequency) power. This technique is adopted with the goal of simplifying the estimation of the exposure dosimetry of humans who have different postures and/or sizes. In this paper, to validate the proposed measurement method, we subject numerical human phantom models and cylindrical scanning conditions to FDTD analysis. We design a radiation system that uses a dielectric lens to achieve plane-wave irradiation of tested human phantoms in order to develop an experimental WB-SAR measurement system for UHF far-field exposure condition. In addition, we use a constructed SAR measurement system to confirm absorbed power estimations of simple geometrical phantoms and so estimate measurement error of the measurement system. Finally, we discuss the measurement results of WB-SARs for male adult and child human phantom models.
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