Radio emission of lightning initiation

Autor: Kirill P. Zybin, L.M. Duncan, A. N. Karashtin, Aleksandr V. Gurevich
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Physics Letters A. 312:228-237
ISSN: 0375-9601
Popis: The wide band (0.1–30 MHz) high time resolution (16 ns) radio interferometer is constructed and used to study the initialradio emission of lightning. It is established that the first lightning radio pulse is bipolar and its form, width and amplitude agreewith theoretical predictions [Phys. Lett. A 301 (2002) 320].From observations follows: (a) The runaway breakdown (RB) conditions are fulfilled in thundercloud during noticeable partof storm time; (b) The lightning is initiated by a combined action of RB and extensive atmospheric shower generated by cosmicray particle having the energy ∼10 16 eV.The RB effect in thunderclouds plays a role of lightning “spark chamber” and can be used for radio detection of high energycosmic ray particles.  2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. 1. IntroductionThe theory of radio emission generated duringthunderstorm by cosmic ray particles having highenergy was developed by Gurevich et al. [1]. Theemission should have a high intensity due to thecombined action of runaway breakdown and extensiveatmospheric shower.Runaway breakdown is a new physical concept ofan avalanche type increase of a number of energeticelectrons in gas under the action of the electric fieldwhich was proposed by Gurevich et al. [2]. Theavalanche can grow in electric field
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