Autor: Disky Farros Al Fauzaan, Warid
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Jurnal Bioindustri. 3:503-517
ISSN: 2654-5403
Popis: Ornamental chili is still rarely cultivated by the people of Indonesia, even the existence of ornamental chili is still not much known. Therefore, research on the diversity of ornamental chili has a very good opportunity to be developed, especially in meeting the needs of city residents in the practice of urban farming. Although the taste of ornamental chili is different from the chili in general, the fruit can still be consumed and some of the characters of this plant have an aesthetic value that attracts the citizens of the city to cultivate on the home page. Trilogy University has several F2 genotypes of ornamental chili from crossing. Therefore, in helping breeders make selections to obtain ornamental chili genotypes that consumers are interested in, research on character evaluation of F2 generation. This research used the single plant method which was carried out at the Experimental Garden of the Trilogy University Agroecotechnology Study Program from November 2019 to April 2020. The planted population consists of all the parents (P) and crossing results (F2). The results of observations of ornamental chili characters showed that there were significant differences in some quantitative characters including, plant height (cm), fruit weight (g), weight of fruit of each plant (g), fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), and number seed. Observation of qualitative characters in some ornamental chili genotypes shows that there is diversity in each character in the planted genotype population.
Databáze: OpenAIRE