Parainfluenza Virus Type-3 Outbreak in Level II Neonatal Care Unit: Role of Nursing Infants inside Closed Incubators in the Control of the Viral Outbreak

Autor: Saif Alsaif, Khalil Al Tawil, Vivian Manzano, Atef Alshafei, Ali H. Hajeer, Hesham Tawakol
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. 2:117-121
ISSN: 2328-4056
DOI: 10.12691/ajidm-2-5-4
Popis: Parainfluenza type 3 virus (PIV-3) outbreaks in neonatal care units are rare. We aimed to report our experience of PIV-3 outbreak in level II neonatal care unit (NCU-II). A retrospective review of medical records of all infants managed in NCU-11 during the PIV-3 outbreak period. During the viral outbreak, 49 infants were cared for in NCU-II, and only 7 infants proved to be infected with PIV-3. The attack rate was 14%. The first 4 infected infants were transferred to standby isolation room outside NCU-II, and the unit was closed. All exposed and infected infants were cohorted, nursed inside closed incubators and other infection control measures were reinforced. Due to bed crises and 5 days after the closure of the unit and before the end of the viral outbreak; the standby isolation room was closed and NCU-II was reopened for new admissions and was divided into 3 zones for: infected, exposed, and newly admitted infants. Three more infants that were initially exposed to index case turned positive. There was no further transmission of the PIV-3 after opening the neonatal unit. Infants nursed in open crib at onset of PIV-3 outbreak were at high risk for infection (P value
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