Autor: Iryna Yanenkova
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences".
ISSN: 2520-2294
DOI: 10.25313/2520-2294-2020-10-6401
Popis: The article reflects the results of a study conducted as part of the research project "Providing the complementarity of digital and socio-economic transformations." The main directions of digital transformation influence at economic relationship and effectiveness of production are identified and generalized. The relationship between integration into global value chains with the concepts of smart specialization, cluster and ecosystem development is shown. It means that the basis of successful integration into global value chains is the developed innovative ecosystems of high-tech industries, on which developed sectoral and regional clusters can be based and in which, accordingly, there is a deeper smart specialization. Tendencies, peculiarities and drivers of the world digital development are considered. New global challenges of digital development and its impact on the economy and society in Ukraine are defined and analyzed. It is shown that over the last 20 years Ukraine has transformed from a newcomer in the field of information and communication technologies to a center for the creation and export of services. The state and possible prospects of development of Ukrainian Industry 4.0 in the context of post COVID-19 are analyzed. The main reason for the negative trends is the structural degradation of the economy due to the decline of the processing industry, which is a consequence of the crisis socio-economic and political phenomena in the country, lack of systemic state industrial policy and inadequate business climate. The main threats and new opportunities of socio-economic and digital transformations posed to the country by the coronavirus pandemic are summarized. The main emphasis is on Ukraine's ability to include value added in new chains or build on existing ones. Proposals have been developed for the authorities to provide the complementarity of digital and socio-economic transformations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE