WEALTHPOL: Wealth Inequality, Information, and Political Preferences

Autor: Elkjær, Mads, Ansell, Ben, Nyrup, Jacob
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/pfn7z
Popis: This survey experiment will be administered as part of an online survey conducted on the YouGov platform with 3000 respondents recruited through YouGov's nationally representative online panel. The target respondent pool is a sample of adults from England and Wales aged 18 and over, representative of general England and Wales population on the dimensions of age, gender, income, region and other demographics. The study received approval from the University of Oxford's Department of Politics and International Relations ethics committee on 31st March 2021. Upon consenting to participation, recruited respondents will answer a set of background socio-economic and demographic questions, followed by an information treatment. The respondents will be randomly assigned to one of the three information treatments (including a treatment that involves no information). 1000 respondents will see no information treatment, 1000 will be assigned to the national information treatment, and the remaining 1000 will see the local and national information treatment. We stratify the randomization within three groups defined by average local house prices, in order to assure that we have randomization within these groups. Questions on political preferences will follow these different information treatments. The survey will conclude with two choice-based conjoint experiments to evaluate how taxing different incomes and wealth at different rates influences support for varying income tax policies in England and Wales.
Databáze: OpenAIRE