Experimental Studies of Moisture Transport in Grain Material and Individual Grain

Autor: Dryers Llc, R.A. Marin, V. Ya. Goltyapin, Vim, Rosinformagrotekh, Yu.V. Kataev, M.G. Zagoruiko
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Machinery and Equipment for Rural Area. :23-27
ISSN: 2072-9642
Popis: The issue of moisture transfer in the total mass of the material and in a single grain is discussed taking into account the biological characteristics of the endosperm cells of the grain. Experimental studies of this process have been performed. The results of the oscillating mode with laying have been analyzed. It was found that during the time of laying, the moisture content of the grain shell increases significantly and the moisture content of the core decreases slightly, and during the implementation of the laying after the heating period, a larger amount of moisture moves from the core into the shell than after the cooling period.
Databáze: OpenAIRE