eSurveillance for public health — An implementation approach for sub-Saharan Africa

Autor: Carlos Gutierrez, Karl A. Stroetmann, Toni Gonzalez Novell
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa).
DOI: 10.23919/istafrica.2017.8102400
Popis: As part of the ISAES study on Interoperable eSystems for Africa Enhanced by Satellites, eSurveillance systems were analysed as part of a national eHealth platform. The overriding goal is to provide for both an analytical framework and a concrete tool to support the strategic planning, implementation and maintenance of eSurveillance services in resource-constrained environments, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Public health and surveillance concepts as elements of national health policies and their strategic role in improving the delivery of high quality healthcare services are reviewed, the location of eSurveillance systems within a national eHealth interoperability platform and infrastructure architecture analysed, and an operating model for eSurveillance in Africa, including relevant dimensions and domains for concrete implementation, is developed. The conclusions outline core implications for SSA countries when contemplating to plan for or expand eHealth eSurveillance platforms to facilitate and support better quality healthcare services.
Databáze: OpenAIRE