Ocellarnaca emeiensis subsp. brachyptera Shi & Zhu 2021, stat. nov

Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7561268
Popis: Ocellarnaca emeiensis brachyptera Shi & Zhu, 2021 stat. nov. DMNJDZẠṀDzdz Figures 18–21 Description. Female (first description). Face ovoid; forehead nearly smooth with some scattered impressed; fastigium verticis about 2 times as wide as scape (Fig. 20A). Ocelli very distinct, light yellow; median ocellus obviously larger than lateral ocelli (Fig. 20A).Anterior margin of pronotum slightly projected in the middle, posterior margin almost truncate with median concavity; lateral lobes longer than high (Fig. 20B). Wings shortened; tegmina oval, reaching the middle area of first abdominal tergite, veins simple and subparallel; hind wings shorter than tegmina (Fig. 20B, E). Fore coxae with 1 small spine; fore and middle femora unarmed, hind femora with 12–15 internal and 6–7 external spines on ventral surfaces. Fore and middle tibiae with 5 pairs of spines, middle tibiae with 1 internal spine on dorsal surface; tibiae with 6 internal and 7 external spines on dorsal surface, subapical areas of 1 ventral spine, apices with 1 pair of dorsal spines and 2 pairs of ventral spines. Second and third abdominal tergites with few largely reduced, indistinct stridulatory pegs (Fig. 20D). Seventh abdominal sternite prolonged at posterior margin with 1 pair of small lobes, which directing aside; following a membranous zone with some transverse folds (Fig. 20H). Subgenital plate with wide base, the lateral margins converging to apex, posterior margin with 1 obtusely triangular concavity and the lateral lobes triangular (Fig. 20H). Ovipositor elongate, strongly upcurved at basal area, margins gradually approaching towards apex, the subapical area faintly widened, apices narrowly rounded (Fig. 20F). Coloration. Body light brown. Frons, genae, mandibles and anterior area of fastigium verticis black. Eyes black; ocelli yellow. Base of scape black. Pronotum with a broad longitudinal pink stripe along the midline; posterior margin black, which extending to the middle area of lateral lobes. Tegmina light brown, cells black. Basal and apical areas of all femora and tibiae black. Measurements (mm). Female: BL 21.0, PL 4.5, TL 3.7, HFL 11.7, OvL 12.2. Material examined. 1 female, Mangshan, Chenzhou, Hunan, August 23, 2019, coll. by Zongjun Lu; 1 male, Jilongding, Yangchun, Guangdong, May 23, 2021, coll. by Xingmian Zhou. Distribution. Guangdong (Yangchun); Hong Kong (Ma’anshan); Hunan (Chenzhou, Yizhang).
Published as part of ZHANG, QIANWEN, PANG, SIYU, RONG, PINYING & BIAN, XUN, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera) XIII Review the genus Ocellarnaca Gorochov, 2004, pp. 305-332 in Zootaxa 5230 (3) on pages 318-320, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5230.3.3, http://zenodo.org/record/7561247
{"references":["Shi, F. M. & Zhu, Q. D. (2021) Further notes on the genus Ocellarnaca Gorochov, 2004 (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) from China. Zootaxa, 5068 (3), 428 - 434. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 5068.3.7"]}
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