Theoretical investigations of localized, semi-localized and unified models of thermally stimulated luminescence: a review

Autor: Munish Kumar, R. K. Kher, B.C. Bhatt, C M Sunta, G. Chourasiya
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Physics. 85:527-550
ISSN: 0974-9845
Popis: Localized transitions, which represent sub-conduction recombination, have been investigated comprehensively using localized recombination model (LRM) of thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL). The study reveals the following results: (i) The conventional quasi-equilibrium (QE) approximation criteria do not hold in LRM and new criteria for QE approximation is proposed. (ii) The glow peak temperature “Tm” is always independent of the radiation dose.
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