Hip, Groin, and Abdominal Injuries in Handball

Autor: Per Hölmich, Lasse Ishøi, Markus Wurm, Lior Laver, Omer Mei-Dan
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Handball Sports Medicine ISBN: 9783662558911
Popis: Hip and groin pain is prevalent in handball players constituting up to 12.5% and 11% of all overuse and acute injuries, respectively, recorded during a full handball season. Of these, adductor-related groin pain is the most common cause of hip and groin pain. The diagnosis of groin pain related to musculotendinous structures should follow the DOHA agreement on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletes and be based on specific palpation and muscular resistance tests. Similarly, the diagnosis of intra-articular hip pain such as femoroacetabular impingement syndrome should follow the Warwick agreement and be based on a triad of symptoms, clinical findings, and radiological findings. The treatment should focus on active rehabilitation aiming to restore and build hip muscle strength and increase pelvic stability. In cases with FAIS or isolated intra-articular hip pathology, such as labral tear and/or cartilage damage, hip arthroscpy may be considered, and favorable outcomes on return to sport have been reported in high-level athletes.
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