The in Vivo Effect of Dibutyryl Cyclic AMP and Immunosuppressive Drugs on the Secondary Antibody Production of Mice to Ovalbumin

Autor: A. L. Oronsky, V. Blancuzzi, R. J. Perper
Rok vydání: 1974
Zdroj: Cyclic AMP, Cell Growth, and the Immune Response ISBN: 9783642860287
Popis: It has been shown that there is genetic control over the ability for certain inbred strains of mice to produce high titers of homocytotrophic antibody to extremely small amounts of ovalbumin in alum adjuvants (1). These high-responder mice also produce IgG type antibodies against the same antigen. Thus, this model is a useful method to test for the effect of various pharmacological agents on two types of antibody responses, to the same antigen, in a strain of animals in which all are capable of responding. In previously available models, only a small percentage of immunized animals produced homocytotrophic antibody, making it difficult to accurately access drug effects. Using the mouse system, we now show that antiproliferative and cytotoxic immunosuppressive agents have a suppressive effect on the anamnestic IgG and reagin antibody responses, whereas dibutyryl cAMP and theophylline suppress the production of homocytotrophic antibody without effect on IgG production.
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