The Design of Multiplayer Simulations for Online Game-based Learning

Autor: Bradley Vender, Brian M. Slator, Bob Cosmano, Guy Hokanson, Peng Yan, Otto Borchert, Matti Kariluoma
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Power and Energy / 807: Intelligent Systems and Control / 808: Technology for Education and Learning.
DOI: 10.2316/p.2013.808-023
Popis: A software architecture that facilitates interactive multiplayer simulations, intelligent software tutors, and immersive virtual environments is presented. The implementation employs a hybrid selection of techniques mainly related to a “restful” server strategy. The paper concludes with an implementation of the software architecture: Virtual Cell, a three-dimensional environment for teaching the processes and structures of Cellular Biology.
Databáze: OpenAIRE