Association of combinations of polymorphisms in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 gene with breast cancer among various ethnic groups

Autor: A. S. Neupokoeva, V. G. Nigmatova, A. K. Khanseitova, T. S. Balmukhanov, A. V. Favorov, E. E. Ashirbekov, D. A. Sharafutdinova, N. A. Aitkhozhina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Russian Journal of Genetics. 53:1042-1047
ISSN: 1608-3369
Popis: A search for association of polymorphisms in loci rs2981582, rs2420946, rs17102287, rs1219648, rs2981578, and rs17542768 in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) gene was performed using the “case-control” method among the major ethnic groups of Kazakhstan. Restriction fragments length polymorphism analysis of DNA obtained from 495 Kazakh and 195 Russian women with breast cancer (BC) revealed no statistically significant differences compared with the control group (190 Kazakhs, 170 Russians). An assessment of combination associations of alleles and genotypes (patterns) with BC was performed using the APSampler algorithm. Association of risk type (OR > 1.4; P Fischer < 0.05; P permutation < 0.05) in the Kazakh group identified two patterns, including allele C at site rs2420946, while the T allele was present in four protective patterns (OR < 0.70). No significant association of the examined polymorphisms with BC risk in the Russian group was revealed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE