Intentional Replantation and 3d Obturation with Biodentine of a Resorbed Root in Young People: A Case Report

Autor: Gaia Bonandi, Stefano Milani, Luigi Stagno dAlcontres, Calogero Bugea, Maria Elena Cipollina, Giovanni Messina, Luca Boschini
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences. 2:839-845
ISSN: 2766-2276
Popis: Referred patient 14 years old (in orthodontic treatment) for a suspected resorption on a 2.1 that was exposed to a trauma [1]. After an apical x ray, a cone beam was performed to have a complete diagnosis [2,3]. Almost the 80% of the root is resorbed, after achieving the parents’ consent to the treatment, was planned an intentional replantation [4] and a retrograde approach. In case like this the treatment’s goal is an intentional replantation to stop the root resorption, removing all the resorbing tissue and rebuild the root by biodentine’s use [5]. The tooth was replanted and splinted to the ortho appliances to allow a precise position of replantation. The final X ray control confirmed the correct rebuilding of the root anatomy. After two weeks the endodontic treatment was performed at all. After 6 months the patient has completed the ortho treatment and the X ray control revealed a good response, the biodentine‘s stability and no sign of tissue inflammation. Since the good preliminary results at six months of the intentional replantation with Biodentine root rebuilding, this treatment, in young patient, can be considered as a good option to the maintainability of the tooth till the adult age and to long lasting prosthetic treatments.
Databáze: OpenAIRE