Modeling, control, and motion planning of a climbing microrobot

Autor: Ning Xi, R.L. Tummala, Hans Dulimarta, Jun Xiao, Jizhong Xiao, Mark A. Minor, Ranjan Mukherjee
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 11:289-307
ISSN: 1875-8835
Popis: This paper describes the design, modeling, control and motion planning analysis of a climbing microrobot. The microrobot is the smallest of bipedal robot found in the literature which is able to climb walls, walk on ceilings, crawl through pipes, and transit between two inclined planes. The underactuated structure contributes to the small size and light weight of the robot. The kinematic model in different locomotion modes is derived. The DSP-based embedded controller is presented. A hybrid configuration space is proposed to incorporate the continuous configuration space with discrete motion status space. Based on the motion pattern analysis, a motion planning approach is developed to generate an optimal collision-free path and a feasible motion sequence to allow the robot to travel along the path. Experimental and simulation results demonstrate the effective performance of the microrobot system.
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