The semimicro distillation of ammonia into 4% boric acid solution

Autor: Wallace M. McNabb, Paul E. Machemer
Rok vydání: 1949
Zdroj: Analytica Chimica Acta. 3:428-432
ISSN: 0003-2670
Popis: 1. A number of determinations of ammonia were made by the hemnnicro distillation of aminonia into boric acid. The average deviation, standaid deviation and average enois are reported. 2. An all glass apparatus offers no advantage in accuracy over the conventional apparatus. 3. For semimicro titrations involving 7–21 mg of nitrogen, 0.02 N hydrochloric acid is to be preferred over 0.05 N acid although the end-point colour matching is more difficult. 4. A fifteen fold excess of caustic is sufficient for rapid and complete distillation of ammonia. 5. Steam distillation prevents bumping in the presence of filter paper and is more rapid than distillation by direct heating.
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