The Effect of External Ankle Support on Vertical Ground-Reaction Force and Lower Body Kinematics

Autor: S C. Cobb, Brad Hodgson, Laurie L. Tis, Elizabeth J. Higbie
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 14:301-312
ISSN: 1543-3072
DOI: 10.1123/jsr.14.4.301
Popis: Objective:To examine the effects of external ankle support on vertical ground-reaction forces (VGRF) and kinematic data.Methods:Subjects completed 2 braced and 2 nonbraced 0.61-m hanging drop landings onto a force platform. Kinematic data were collected with 8 digital-optical cameras sampling at 120 Hz.Subjects:12 Division I female volleyball players.Statistical Analysis:A repeated-measures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction (P < .05) was used to determine whether significant differences existed between test conditions for peak VGRF, loading rate, hip angle, knee angle, and ankle angle at right-foot contact for peak 1 and peak 2 of the VGRF curve over the first 100 milliseconds of the landing phase, as well as total hip range of motion (ROM), total knee ROM, and total ankle ROM for the entire landing phase.Results:There were significant increases in peak P1 and LR1 and a significant decrease in ankle-angle change at right-foot contact in braced trials compared with the nonbraced condition.
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