Semiconducting 2D-Materials: nano-sandbox for fundamental physics and new platform for optical coatings, light emission and quantum light sources

Autor: Rajeshkumar Mupparapu, Max Waldherr, Antony George, Ulrike Schulz, Evgeny Sedov, Sebastian Klembt, Takashi Taniguchi, Duk-Yong Choi, Martin Klaas, Andrey Turchanin, Falk Eilenberger, Katie E. Chong, Heiko Knopf, Christof Neumann, S. Fasold, Isabelle Staude, Nils Lundt, Franz J. F. Löchner, Sefaating Tongay, Tobias Bucher, Kenji Watanabe, Frank Setzpfandt, Thomas Pertsch, Christian Schneider, Alexey Kavokin, Sven Höfling
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Optical Interference Coatings Conference (OIC) 2019.
Popis: Two-dimensional (2D) materials are interesting candidates for usage in optical coatings. The offer a natural access for the control of coating geometries down to the atomic scale. The set of 2D-materials, which is available for optical applications, spans dielectrics, semiconductors and (semi-)metals; but with sometimes vastly different properties from their bulk counterparts. In this talk I will present functionalized optical coatings consisting of 2D-materials but also functionalized optical coatings embedded with 2D-materials. I will discuss their specific properties, focusing on the development of excitonic systems and on highly nonlinear optical coatings for wavelength conversion and quantum light sources.
Databáze: OpenAIRE