Familismo e capitale sociale: il posto della donna nel pensiero mafioso

Autor: Salvatore Bazzano, Adriano Zamperini, Ingrid Pogliani, Ines Testoni
Rok vydání: 2009
ISSN: 1972-5620
Popis: Familism and social capital: the role of women in the mafia thought In this research the representations of feminine and masculine roles in the mafia thought have been studied using a qualitative analysis of the texts collected during clinical interviews with five collaborators of justice. The relation between the intimate and the social relationships is addressed as well as the problem of amoral familism that is at the roof of the mafia sub-culture. Data show that the mesosystem and macrosystem levels are not present at all, while the microsystem includes totally the mesosystem.
Databáze: OpenAIRE