Die heutigen Mögliehkeiten der positiven Tumorszintigraphie

Autor: H.-J. Altenbrunn
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: Frontiers of Nuclear Medicine/Aktuelle Nuklearmedizin ISBN: 9783642650949
Popis: In order to determine the feasibility of positive tumor localization with existing equipment, laboratory tests were performed with hollow cubes of 10, 15, 20 and 40 mm side, some filled with radioactive material. Results were encouraging. Animal experiments were carried out on Wistar rats with Yoshida sarcoma to test the tumor-enriching potential of eleven substances labelled with various radioisotopes. The most successful of these, 131I human fibrinogen and 131I antihuman fibrinogen, gave an indication of malignancy in 21 out of 26 patients in whom their diagnostic potential was tested. Preliminary trials with 131I-labelled tumor antibodies from which 90–95% of cross-reacting antibodies had been removed showed that an enrichment of up to 70 times could be obtained in UV-induced tumors in mice and up to 30 times in lymph-node metastases in a human patient. Such a procedure offers in addition the exciting prospect of treating distant metastases by the injection of γ-labelled antibodies.
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