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Maintaining and retaining a quality sandy beach is a primary requirement for attracting people and tourists in any coastal country. Tourism Enterprises Company (TEC) in Kuwait owns 230 m long sandy beach in Ras Al-Ardh Sea Club, Salmiya, Kuwait. The beach has been eroding because of strong hydrodynamics forces from waves and currents. TEC wants to develop a stable sandy beach of 30 m wide. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait is assigned to carry out the required scientific studies. In order to make sure a stable quality beach will exist, KISR has carried out the needed studies, which involves the field measurements such as bbathymetry survey, current and tidal variations, physical characteristics of beach soil, beach and sea bed profile, establishing the design parameters such as waves, currents, tide and wind. Hydrodynamic model study using DELFT3D model for the present and for the proposed extended groin conditions with beach nourishment were carried out. Also numerical modeling using GENESIS model to understand the future shore line changes due to the proposed development was carried out. Design of Groins to estimate the weight of armor units and weight of inner layers were carried out. The particle size and quantity of sand needed for reclamation of 30 m wide beach was estimated. Based on the study, it is recommended that the sandy soil to be used for 30 m wide beach nourishment should have D50 greater than 0.42 mm (say 0.5 mm) and D10 greater than 0.25 mm. The borrow pit much be selected by keeping this soil characters in mind. It is recommended to use a submerged offshore breakwater in order to retain the beach sand in place and for reducing the maintenance nourishment. Otherwise, large quantity of the capital nourished beach sand will escape into the deeper water due to strong current coupled with waves and steep seabed slopes. Environmental Impact Study was carried out as per Kuwait Environment Public Authority requirements to bring out the impacts due to beach filling and the construction submerged offshore barrier and extension of east groin for a distance of 30 m. TEC will implement the recommendations for developing the beach in Ras Al-Ardh sea club and will be useful to attract more people to use this beach. |