Autor: Yu. V. Maksimov, Igor P. Suzdalev, A. V. Golub’ev, Vladimir N. Korchak, M. D. Shibanova
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Kinetics and Catalysis. 42:112-116
ISSN: 0023-1584
Popis: Catalytic properties and structural aspects of the formation of iron–cobalt–chromium catalysts depending on the temperature of preliminary treatment are studied. A catalytically active iron–cobalt–chromium spinel is formed at a calcination temperature of 580–600°C. If catalytic packings are overheated in the course of hydrocarbon fuel oxidation or if temperatures above 700°C are used for preliminary treatment, the catalytic activity of the samples substantially decreases because an inactive solid solution of iron and chromium oxides with corundum structures is formed.
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