Der Einfluß der Folsäure auf die Leberparenchymzellen der Ratte

Autor: B. Kaiser, H. Konigsberger, H.P. Rohr, U. N. Riede, Joachim Torhorst
Rok vydání: 1972
Zdroj: Beiträge zur Pathologie. 147:175-188
ISSN: 0005-8165
DOI: 10.1016/s0005-8165(72)80026-x
Popis: Introduction : Folic acid channels the metabolism of kidney cells from function to proliferation and interfers with some mitochondrial and microbody enzymes in hepatocytes. Therefore it was a special interest to analyse morphometrically the influence of a single dose of folk acid on rat hepatocytes. Material and Methods : 12 Wistarrats with an initial weight of 195 g received a single dose of folk acid intravenously (250 mg per kg body weight). 6, 12 and 24 hours after the injection rats were killed and the liver tissue of 3 rats each was fixed in s-collidin buffered OsO 4 and embedded in Epon 812. Random sampling and morphometrk procedure basically follows the technique described by Weibel. Statistic analysis includes mean values, standard deviation and Student-t-test. Results : Morphologically the most striking changes are found in mitochondria, endoplasmic retkulum and Golgi-apparatus. Mitochondria reveal myelin-like changes of their outer-membrane. In some hepatocytes focal proliferation of the smooth endoplasmic retkulum and drastic vesiculation of the rough endoplasmic retkulum occurs. The Golgi-cisternae are studded with liposomes. Under the influence of a single dose of folk acid the volume of the hepatocyte as well as their nucleus increases, whereas the mitochondrial single volume doubles. The surface density of mitochondrial cristae increases. The microbodies proliferate. The volume share of the rough endoplasmic retkulum is reduced. Discussion : After a single dose of folk acid the mitochondrial single volume increases probably as a consequence of lowered mitochondrial turn-over. The proliferated mitochondrial cristae are interpreted as adaptation on disturbed oxidative metabolism of the hepatocytes. That fits well with the synchronous proliferation of the microbodies. As a consequence it is assumed that microbodies act as “eroxisomes”. Zusammenfassung Nach einer einmaligen Folsaureinjektion (250 mg/kg KG) wird die Leberparenchymzelle der Ratte ultrastrukturell-morphometrisch verandert: 1 Vergroserung des Zell- und Kernvolumens. 2 Verdoppelung des Mitochondrieneinzelvolumens, der vermutlich ein verlangsamter Mitochondrien-turnover zugrunde liegt. 3 Cristaeproliferationen als Ausdruck einer Adaptation an eine gestorte Zellatmung. 4 Microbody-Vermehrung. Sie scheint ebenfalls auf adaptativen Prozessen zu beruhen, da die Katalase und Uricase durch exogen verabreichtes Folat gehemmt werden. 5 Vesikulation des endoplasmatischen Reticulums, verbunden mit Volumenverminderung des RER pro Hepatocyt. 6 Dilatation der Golgi-Zisternen mit einer entsprechenden Zunahme des Volumenanteils pro Zelle.
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