Macrelmis friburguensis Sampaio, Passos & Jr, 2012, sp. nov

Autor: Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Passos, Maria In��s Da Silva Dos, Jr, Nelson Ferreira
Rok vydání: 2012
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6181126
Popis: Macrelmis friburguensis sp. nov. (Fig. 2) Diagnose. Head surface with fine recumbent pubescence and granules bigger than facet of eyes, separated by less than one diameter. Maxilla with dense long setae. Pronotum with a pair of sublateral carinae feebly raised, extending from posterior margin to anterior forth. Elytron with a projected rounded apex. Male genitalia with aedeagus feebly longer than parameres, wider on basal fifth, narrowing distally; apex curved toward the aedeagus and with short setae. Description. Holotype male. Total length 4.65mm; head width 0.84mm, length 0.40mm; pronotum width 1.56mm, length 1.28mm; elytra width 1.90mm, length 3.40mm. Body black; antennae dark brown; legs black, with tibiae and tarsi dark brown. Head surface with a fine recumbent pubescence; granules bigger than facet of eyes, separated by less than one diameter. Antennae filiform inserted between the eyes and clypeus. Anterior margin of clypeus convex on median part, with lateral angles rounded; surface similar to the rest of head. Labrum with fine feebly long recumbent setae, some setae projected beyond the anterior margin. Maxilla with long dense golden setae. Anterior margin of pronotum convex on the median area, with acute anterolateral projections. Lateral margin convex and crenate; greatest width on median third; surface similar to those of head and clypeus; a pair of sublateral carina feebly raised, extending from posterior margin to anterior fourth. Elytra with lateral margins subparallel and crenate from the middle to apices; apices projected and truncate. Striae with conspicuous punctuations; interstrial intervals with granules on anterior third similar to those of pronotum, bearing recumbent setae (more conspicuous at apical third). Epipleura non-tomentose with granules. Scutellum convex, longer than wide, with anterior margin convex and rounded apex. Prosternum with granules as big as facet of eyes, bearing recumbent setae, separated by less than one diameter. Prosternal process as wide as 1 / 4 of anterior margin of prosternum; extending beyond forecoxae, with an oblique apex. Hypomere wide with granules as big as facet of eyes, separated by one or two diameters. Mesosternum with a wide and feebly deep groove, for reception of prosternal process; groove surface granulose. Metasternum granulose like prosternum, with long recumbent setae on disc and a conspicuous median longitudinal impression, from posterior to anterior margin. Legs with fine recumbent pubescence, less conspicuous on coxae, trochanters and femurs. Fore femur with a fringe of long setae at basal half of anterior face; fore tibia with fringe of tomentum at apical third on anterior face, and another at apical 2 / 3 on posterior face; hind tibia with a fringe at apical 2 / 3 on posterior face; tarsomeres with ventral setae. Abdomen with flattened granules, bigger than facet of eyes, separated by less than one diameter, sparser on lateral areas; disc depressed on ventrites I ��� III, more conspicuous on the first one; depression surface without granules, but with punctuations and long fine setae. Ventrite V densely pubescent near posterior margin. Male genitalia with aedeagus slightly bigger than parameres; wide on basal fifth, narrowing up to apical forth, where it broadens again, forming a clavate apex; basolateral apophysis short (1 / 7 of median lobe length). Parameres wider at base, narrowing to an apex slightly curved toward aedeagus; some short setae at apical 2 / 7. Phalobase longer than wide (5 / 3); slightly bigger than half of genitalia length. Variation. Measurements of body vary in total length 4.65���4.75mm; head width 0.80���0.84mm and length 0.3���0.4mm; pronotum width 1.56���1.68mm and length 1.28���1.30mm; and elytra width 1.90 ���2.00mm and length 3.40���3.50mm. Comparative notes. This new species lacks impressions on the pronotum, which are present on the M. aristaea group; the presence of sublateral carinae distinguishes this species from members of the M. celsa group. The presence of gibbosities on the pronotum is similar to those on species of the M. granigera group; this is corroborated by the similarity of the median lobe of the new species and that of M. saltensis Manzo (placed in the M. granigera group). Macrelmis friburguensis sp. nov. is easily distinguished from M. saltensis because the latter has a hook-like structure on hind tibia; this characteristic is absent on the new species. Type material. Holotype male, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo municipality, Maca�� de Cima, Rio Maca��, 22 �� 25 ��� 30.6 ���S 42 �� 32 ���00.7���W, 977m, 13.IX. 2009, J.L. Nessimian, I.C. Gon��alves, B. Clarkson, A.L.A. Pimenta, V.P. Alecrim, A.P.M. Santos leg. [DZRJ- Coleoptera 5611 - Genitalia on slides]; Paratype, 1 male ��� Maca�� de Cima, Rio Maca��, 22 �� 24 '46.0"S 42 �� 31 ' 16.2 "W, 935m, 13.IX. 2009, vegeta����o marginal, V.P. Alecrim & A.P.M. Santos leg. [DZRJ-Coleoptera 5612]. Etymology. The specific epithet friburguensis is a gentilic to natives from Nova Friburgo municipality, the place of origin of the type material.
Published as part of Sampaio, Brunno Henrique Lanzellotti, Passos, Maria In��s Da Silva Dos & Jr, Nelson Ferreira-, 2012, Two new species of Macrelmis Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Elmidae) and a new record of Macrelmis isis (Hinton) from Southeastern Brazil, pp. 164-168 in Zootaxa 3478 on pages 166-167, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.212512
Databáze: OpenAIRE