Neural logic programming

Autor: T.J. Reynolds, H.H. Teh, B.T. Low
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: TAI
Popis: The authors propose a programming system that combines pattern matching of Prolog with a novel approach to logic and the control of resolution. A network of nodes and arcs together with a three-valued logic is used to indicate the connections between predicates and their consequents, and to express the flow from facts and propositions of a theory to its theorems. In this way, one can handle uncertainty and negation properly in this 'neural logic network.' A neural logic program consists of a specification of network fragments, labeled with predicates and arc weights, and they can be joined dynamically to form a tree of reasoning chains. The architecture of the neural logic computational model is left open and the authors do not intend the model to be interpreted literally as a physical architecture. >
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