Obras de Juan Gil de Zamora (OFM) en el manuscrito Salamanca, Biblioteca General Histórica de la Universidad, 2691

Autor: José Carlos Martín Iglesias
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Archivo Ibero-Americano. 82:121-160
ISSN: 2660-4418
Popis: This article describes the contents of the manuscript Salamanca, Biblioteca General Histórica de la Universidad, 2691, which preserves a collection of mostly unpublished texts taken from two encyclopaedic compilations by Juan Gil of Zamora (OFM) († c. 1318): the Historia naturalis, canonica et ciuilis and the Liber illustrium personarum. In addition, it notes the sources used by the Franciscan writer, some already known, such as the Chronicon mundi by Lucas de Tuy, the Historia de rebus Hispanie by Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada, the Legenda aurea by Jacobus of Voragine or the stories gathered in the so-called Hispanic Passionary, but others noted for the first time, such as the Rationale diuinorum officiorum by Guillaume Durand the Speculator and the Translatio s. Nicolai Barium an. 1087 by John of Bari. This article also studies the different versions of the same works in the remaining writings of Juan Gil of Zamora indicating whether they have been preserved or lost. Finally, in an Appendix, it offers the editio princeps of a hymn and a prayer composed by the Zamoran friar in honour of the guardian angels.
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