Tracking silica in Earth's upper mantle using new sound velocity data for coesite to 5.8 GPa and 1073 K

Autor: Ying Li, Baosheng Li, Yongtao Zou, Robert C. Liebermann, Ting Chen, Xintong Qi
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Geophysical Research Letters. 44:7757-7765
ISSN: 0094-8276
Popis: The compressional and shear wave velocities for coesite have been measured simultaneously up to 5.8 GPa and 1073 K by ultrasonic interferometry for the first time. The shear wave velocity decreases with pressure along all isotherms. The resulting contrasts between coesite and stishovite reach ~34% and ~45% for P and S wave velocities, respectively, and ~64% and ~75% for their impedance at mantle conditions. The large velocity and impedance contrasts across coesite-stishovite transition imply that, to generate the velocity and impedance contrasts observed at the X-discontinuity, only a small amount of silica would be required. The velocity jump dependences on silica, d(lnVP)/d(SiO2) = 0.38 (wt%)-1 and d(lnVS)/d(SiO2) = 0.52 (wt%)-1, are utilized to place constraints on the amount of silica in the upper mantle, and provide a geophysical approach to track mantle eclogite materials and ancient subducted oceanic slabs.
Databáze: OpenAIRE