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Contents: Part I:Introduction. T.M. Duffy, D.H. Jonassen, Constructivism: New Implications for Instructional Technology. Part II:Constructivist Perspectives. A.K. Bednar, D. Cunningham, T.M. Duffy, J.D. Perry, Theory into Practice: How Do We Link? D.J. Cunningham, Assessing Constructions and Constructing Assessments: A Dialogue. D.N. Perkins, Technology Meets Constructivism: Do They Make a Marriage? R.J. Spiro, P.J. Feltovich, M.J. Jacobson, R.L. Coulson, Cognitive Flexibility, Constructivism, and Hypertext: Random Access Instruction for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition in Ill-structured Domains. Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University, Technology and the Design of Generative Learning Environments. Part III:Instructional Technology Perspectives. W. Dick, An Instructional Designer's View of Constructivism. M.D. Merrill, Constructivism and Instructional Design. Part IV:Clarifying the Relationship. Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University, Some Thoughts About Constructivism and Instructional Design. R.J. Spiro, P.L. Feltovich, M.J. Jacobson, R.L. Coulson, Knowledge Representation, Content Specification, and the Development of Skill in Situation Specific Knowledge Assembly: Some Constructivist Issues as They Relate to Cognitive Flexibility Theory and Hypertext. T.M. Duffy, A.K. Bednar, Attempting to Come to Grips with Alternative Perspectives. D.H. Jonassen, Evaluating Constructivistic Learning. C.M. Reigeluth, Reflections on the Implications of Constructivism for Educational Technology. D.J. Cunningham, In Defense of Extremism. D.N. Perkins, What Constructivism Demands of the Learner. Part V:Reflections on the Conversation. C. Fosnot, Constructing Constructivism. W. Winn, The Assumptions of Constructivism and Instructional Design. B.S. Allen, Constructive Criticisms. S. Tobias, An Eclectic Examination of Some Issues in the Constructivist-ISD Controversy. |