Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of mothers toward permanent and temporal contraindications of Breast Feeding in Taif city, Saudi Arabia

Autor: Manal Ahmed Elnashar, Atheer Mohammed Al-fuhayd, Razan Abadel Algethami, Huda Abdullah AlEssa, Abeer Hammad Alharthi, Areej Mohammed Abdullah
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: World Family Medicine Journal /Middle East Journal of Family Medicine. 19
Popis: Introduction: Breastfeeding plays an important role in newborn life as it gives nutritional and emotional dependency of the baby on the mother. While there are a lot of contraindications of breastfeeding, not all infectious diseases prevent breastfeeding as they can be treated and controlled Awareness of the mother about relative and absolute contraindications of breastfeeding is very important to preserve the health of her baby. Aim: In this study, we would like to know the level of awareness about the relative and absolute contraindications of breastfeeding among mothers of Taif city Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Taif city, KSA from January 2021 to June 2021, and data was obtained by online questionnaire. Data was entered through Excel version 16.16.23, and all Statistical analysis was done by using SPSS ver23 (IBM corp. the USA) by an independent biostatistician. The categorical variable was analyzed by using Pearson’s Chi-square test. Continuous variables obtained are expressed as mean and standard deviation. The significance value (p-value)
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