Policy-Driven Agent Social to Implement EBBP

Autor: Yan-Bin Peng, Beishui Liao, Ji Gao, Jun Hu
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
DOI: 10.1109/icmlc.2005.1526954
Popis: EbXML is an emerging and ambitious B2B e-commerce standard with the potential to become a significant player in the next few years. Although a lot of projects have been developed to implement ebXML-based business process, no project can solve the problem of autonomic control the whole process of ebXML-based business process. In this paper, we provide a policy-driven agent social, which provide a platform to autonomic control the whole process of ebXML-based business process. The main point of this paper is to propose policy-driven method to autonomic control the agent in agent social. Agent social is composed of agent federation. Agent federation as representation of enterprise trades with other enterprise. In addition, an agent infrastructure to realize this system was developed and a simulated test was conducted successfully.
Databáze: OpenAIRE