Autor: E. Meelis, P. Vos, W. J. Ter Keurs
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 61:317-344
ISSN: 0167-6369
DOI: 10.1023/a:1006139412372
Popis: Environmental and nature management can not operate effectivelywithout reliable information on changes in the environment andon the causes of those changes. Ecological monitoring canrepresent an important source of information. However, manyoperational monitoring programs are not very effective, i.e., not very useful for decision-making. We present a conceptualframework for the development and maintenance of effectiveecological monitoring programs. In the decision-making process,two main functions for monitoring can be recognized: an earlywarning and an early control function. Both these functionsrequire a high diagnostic power. This is used as a guideline forthe design process. The design consists of choices concerningmonitoring objectives, objects and variables to be monitored,sampling strategy and design, data collection, data handling, maintenance and organization. Arguments commonly put forward inliterature and in practice to support the various choices aresubjected to a critical analysis. The framework will be helpfulin the design of effective monitoring systems as it avoidsimportant components to be overlooked, clarifies the relationbetween the different components, maximizes the exploitation ofexisting possibilities and opportunities and identifiesshortcomings in advance. This will result in monitoring programsthat should be able to live up to their expectations.
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