The broken pair model for nuclei and its recent applications

Autor: K. Allaart, E Boeker, G Bonsignori, M Savoai, Y.K Gambhir
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Physics Reports. 169:209-292
ISSN: 0370-1573
Popis: The broken-pair model for nuclear structure is presented together with illustrative examples of its recent applications in various nuclear mass regions. The relationship with other models, in particular the shell model and the BCS model, is considered in some detail. The various ways in which the model has been presented in the literature are compared. The merits of several proposed extensions of the model are also discussed. It is demonstrated that already the rather simple model with at most one broken pair can reproduce many properties of semic-magic nuclei. The rather complicated extension by breaking another pair is shown to be essential for the description of transitions between the excited states of the even semi-magic nuclei. The model, as presented here in a spherical shell model basis, is found to become less satisfactory for nuclei with several valence protons and neutrons. However, for such cases the broken-pair model provides considerable support for the use of the phenomenological boson models and may yield estimates for their parameters.
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