The Effectiveness of Gender Role Re-Evaluation and Non-Gender-Focused Group Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Recently Separated Men

Autor: Nedra R. Lander, Danielle Nahon
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: International Journal of Men's Health. 9:102-125
ISSN: 1933-0278
Popis: This article explores the viability of Gender Role Re-Evaluation (GRE) and Non Gender-Focused (NGF) group psychotherapy with recently separated men. Sixtyone participants were randomly distributed into three GRE or three NGF groups. Eleven psychometric measures were administered at pre-pre-group, pre-group, post-group and six-week follow-up. Results of a repeated-measures MANOVA revealed significant changes in Emotional Expression, Self and Other Orientation, and Psychological Well-Being, maintained at six-week follow-up. As the first randomized empirical investigation of men’s consciousness-raising groups and gender role re-evaluation psychotherapy groups for men, these results provide a more positive re-framing of men’s accessible potential for positive therapeutic change in groups, and a more hopeful perspective of the therapeutic potential of group psychotherapy with men undergoing a major psychosocial crisis.
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