Integration of an Over-Fly Top Attack Shaped Charge Jet within a Kinetic Energy Penetrator for Enhanced Multiple-Effects

Autor: Ian Lewtas, Barry Stewart
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 30th International Symposium on Ballistics.
DOI: 10.12783/ballistics2017/16952
Popis: The study investigated the feasibility of embedding a smear-compensated Over-fly Top Attack (OTA) shaped charge jet, within a penetrating Multiple Effects Warhead (MEW). 3D hydrocode modelling simulations considered a variety of design configurations, under static and dynamic engagements at different over-fly crossing velocities and stand-offs. The need to optimise space and maintain an anti-structures emplacement capability led to the design of a novel side-mounted initiation train. Experimental firings validated the initiation and two design variants, to form smear-compensated shaped charge jets. The 3D pre-trial hydrocode modelling simulations were verified with quantitative and qualitative analysis against ionisation probe, witness plate and multi-plane radiograph experimental results. The work has laid the foundation for follow-on de-risking and development, for progression to MEW anti-armour and anti-structures dynamic trials.
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