Infrared Spectrophotometry Method for Methazole Formulations: Collaborative Study

Autor: Robert B Grorud, J B Audino, Willard G Boyd, A A Carlstrom, John E Forrette, D Clarke, B R Bennett, C J Cohen, J Looker, G T Gale, A L Rozek
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. 64:1185-1186
ISSN: 0004-5756
Popis: An infrared method was developed for the analysis of Probe 75% wettable powder formulation for methazole content. The procedure involves an extraction of the powder by agitation with acetone. The suspension is centrifuged, and the clear supernatant liquid is measured for absorbance at 755 cm−1. A collaborative study was conducted with 10 laboratories participating. One laboratory omitted the centrifugation, which resulted in a low assay. Statistical analysis of the data showed no significant variances. The coefficient of variation for 10 laboratories analyzing 2 samples in duplicate was 1.29%. The method has been adopted interim official first action.
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